
GAP Project – Graffiti Art in Prison
From Sign to Symbol:
New Educational Approaches for Inmates

Foto: Sharon Nathan

The fourth ISW of the GAP Project will focus on the artistic phenomenon of prison graffiti in a diachronic perspective, from the past to the present, bringing into reformatories artistic programs for inmates. The challenge will be to combine ancient evidence and current needs of prisoners, through practical art sessions creating a story about spaces of detention, both from a realistic and utopian perspective. The invited artists will offer workshops where the prisoners themselves closely interact and influence the results. This will change the environment in which they live and introduce them to new communication channels through art. Participants will be invited to look at this contentious topic in a new critical light and will actively participate in a series of conversations, seminars, workshops, round-tables, meetings, video projections that will be realized in collaboration with the prisoners involved in the project.

24 – 29 ottobre 2022

Orto Botanico
SiMuA - Sistema Museale d’Ateneo
Via Lincoln 2


Questo evento viene documentato fotograficamente e/o attraverso riprese video. Qualora non dovesse essere d’accordo con l’utilizzo di immagini in cui potrebbe essere riconoscibile,  da parte del Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz a scopo di documentazione degli eventi e di pubbliche relazioni (p.e. social media) la preghiamo gentilmente di comunicarcelo.


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