Dr. Hannah Baader

Research Group Leader (W2) e Program Director 4A_Lab

Telefono: +39 055 24911-17
Fax: +39 055 24911-66

Hannah Baader is Permanent Senior Research Fellow at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institute, and leader of the Research Group Transregional Art Histories. Spaces, Actors, Ecologies.

She studied art history, law and philosophy in Berlin and Vienna and received her PhD at the Freie Universität Berlin (2002). Before joining the Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florence in 2004, she was appointed by the Freie Universität Berlin (1995-2001) and the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome, Max-Planck-Institute (2002-2003). Her doctoral research was supported by the Gerda-Henkel Foundation. She was guest scholar at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science in Berlin (2007), the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles (2014 and 2016) and Visiting Professor at the University of Heidelberg at the Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context (2017) and at the University of Zurich (2017).

She obtained major grants from the Getty Foundation for Art, Space and Mobility in Early Ages of Globalization, together with Avinoam Shalem and Gerhard Wolf (2010-2015). The research program Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices developed by her and Gerhard Wolf at the Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (2013-2019).

She is head of the 4A_Lab in Berlin, a research and fellowship program of the Max-Planck Institute in Florence in cooperation with the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation.

Forthcoming publications include a monograph on The Iconology of the Sea in Early Modern Italy and Art and Ecology, edited with Sugata Ray and Gerhard Wolf (New York: De Gruyter, 2021).

  • Early Modern Italian Art
  • Iconology of the Sea
  • Art and Ecology
  • Museum Studies
In selezione

"Art, Space, Mobility in Early Ages of Globalization": A Project, Multiple Dialogue, and Research Program (with Avinoam Shalem and Gerhard Wolf)

In: Art in Translation 9, Sup1, Abingdon 2017, pp. 7–33. PDF


Livorno, Lapis Lazuli, Geology and the Treasures of the Sea in 1604

In: Espacio, Tiempo y Forma no. 5, Revista de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Serie VII, Madrid 2017, pp. 141–167. PDF


Vows on Water. Ship-Ex-voto as Things, Metaphors and Mediators of Communality

In: Ex-Voto. Votive Giving across Cultures, ed. by Ittai Weinryb, New York 2016, pp. 217–245.


Images at Work: On Efficacy and Historical Interpretation (with Ittai Weinryb)

In: Representations no. 133, ed. by Hannah Baader, Ittai Weinryb and Gerhard Wolf, Oakland 2016, pp. 1–19.


Das Selbst im Anderen. Sprachen der Freundschaft und die Kunst des Porträts

München 2015.


Altre pubblicazioni

Biblioteca del Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz

Organizzazione di convegni (in selezione)

The City as Archive. Histories of Collecting and Archiving in and the Musealisation of Florence, Eighteenth Century to the Present

Summer School in collaboration with Constanze Caraffa, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, Florence, 18.–25.09.2018.


Working Through Colonial Photography

International Workshop in collaboration with Eva Ehninger and Pathmini Ukwattage, Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices and Humboldt University of Berlin with Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 31.01.–1.02.2018.


The Global Powers of Private Museums: Arts and Publics – States and Markets

International Workshop in collaboration with Georges Khalil, Julia Voss and Dorothee Wimmer, Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices, Forum Kunst und Markt (Technische University Berlin) and Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin, 16.–18.11.2017.


Transregional Academy on Latin American Art II: Mobility – Objects, Materials, Concepts, Actors

International Academy in collaboration with Lena Bader, Jens Baumgarten, Thierry Dufrêne, Thomas Kirchner, Peter Krieger, Anne Lafont, Gabriela Siracusano, Diana Wechsler and Gerhard Wolf, Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices and Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris with Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Buenos Aires, 30.09.–08.10.2017.


Streets, Routes, Methods I: Reflections on Paths, Spaces and Temporalities

International Conference in collaboration with Adam Jasper, Stefan Neuner, Gerald Wildgruber and Gerhard Wolf, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut and eikones NFS Bildkritik (University of Basel), Florence, 05.–06.05.2017.


Terminologies I–III: Languages, Lexica, Aesthetics

International Workshop series in collaboration with Monica Juneja and Gerhard Wolf, Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices and Asia and Europe in a Global Context (cluster of excellence, University of Heidelberg), Berlin, 13.–14.12.2013, Heidelberg, 05.–07.02.2015, Florence, 12.–13-12.2016.


Mediterranean Art Histories, the Balearic Islands, California, and Beyond. Reflections on Art, Space, Mobility 2009–2016

International Workshop in collaboration with Sean Nelson, Elena Paulino Montero, Avinoam Shalem and Gerhard Wolf, Archivo del Reino de Mallorca, Palma, 27.–29.11.2016.


Ecologies, Aesthetics, and Histories of Art

International Conference in collaboration with Sugata Ray and Gerhard Wolf, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, 14.–15.12.2015.


Global Modernisms: Contiguities, Infrastructure and Aesthetic Practices

International Conference in collaboration with Atreyee Gupta and Patrick Flores, Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices and Forum Transregionale Studien with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 05.–07.11.2015.


Insegnamento / seminari

Art and the Aesthetics of the Sea, ca. 1250–2018

Seminar, Master Global Art Histories, University of Zurich, 03–09/2018.


Iconospheres of Water, Seas and Oceans. Transregional, Mediterranean, and Global Perspectives

Seminar, cluster of excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context, University of Heidelberg, 03–09/2017.


The Materiality of Art

Seminar, cluster of excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context, University of Heidelberg, 03–09/2017.


Guest Professor

University of Heidelberg, 2017.


Vows on Water: Maritime Iconospheres and the Votive Offering of Ships

Seminar, UC Berkeley, CA, 25.–26.02.2016.


Organizzazione delle mostre

Bildergeschichten vom Meer. Stories of the Sea in Images

Exhibition by the Kunsthistorischen Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut aboard the MS Wissenschaft, 03.05.2016–08.10.2017.


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