
Juliane Vogel:
The Inquietude of Glued Things. Fixatives in Modern Art and Literature

Friedrich Wilhelm Kleukens, poster for Syndetikon glue, 1910-1920s. Otto Ring, Berlin.

Collage research usually neglects the glue which is needed to fix its materials. When Max Ernst wrote: "Si ce sont les plumes qui font le plumage, ce n'est pas la colle qui fait le collage", the chapter on gluing was closed before it had been opened. The lecture will return to the practice of pasting and in particular explore the imaginations that accompanied pasting in the discourse of modernism. Taking the advertising graphics of the Syndeticon company as a starting point, it examines the ideas that determined the pasting process, the changes they underwent and how they influenced the work of collage. Examples from literature and early film will shed light on the avant-garde's relationship to glue.

Juliane Vogel is Professor for Modern German Literature and General Literary Studies at the University of Konstanz. She was visiting professor at the LMU in Munich, at Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore and the University of Chicago. She is co-editor of the renowned journal: Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (DVjs) and affiliated to the ZfL (Zentrum für Literaturforschung Berlin) as well as to the IFK (Internationales Zentrum für kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung, Vienna) where she was invited as fellow in 2002. In 2018 she was fellow at the Forschungskolleg „Bildevidenz“ and at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, in 2022 she was Fellow at the Forscherkolleg: Imaginarien der Kraft at the University of Hamburg . In 2019 she was awarded the Leibniz-Preis of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the most important award for scholarly achievement in Germany. In her research she has been focussing on European Drama and Dramaturgy as well as on experimental procedures in modern text production, mainly concentrating on collage practices. She has also concentrated on Austrian Literature (mainly Stifter, Hofmannsthal, Bernhard and Jelinek). Selected publications: Aus dem Grund. Auftrittsprotokolle zwischen Racine und Nietzsche, 2017; Die Furie und das Gesetz. Zur Dramaturgie der „großen Szene“ in der Tragödie des 19. Jahrhunderts, 2002; Flucht und Szene. Perspektiven und Formen eines Theaters der Fliehenden, 2018 (hrsg. mit Bettine Menke); Auftreten. Wege auf die Bühne, 2014 (hrsg. m. Christopher Wild).

12 marzo 2024, ore 17:00

This will be a hybrid event.

Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai
Via dei Servi 51
50122 Firenze, Italia

Please register here for online attendance.


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