Ciclo di conferenze

Seda Grigoryan:
Yerevan Today: The Lost, the New and the Surviving

within the framework of the 8th Seminar on Armenian and Eastern Christian Art

This lecture is part of the 

8th Seminar on Armenian and Eastern Christian Art

Documenting, Preserving, and Communicating the Cultural Heritage of Subcaucasia


The eighth edition of the Seminar on Armenian and Eastern Christian Art, organized by Aldo Ferrari, Stefano Riccioni, Marco Ruffilli, and Beatrice Spampinato, is part of a larger project related to Eastern Christian cultures; the aim is to create an occasion to present current research to an international audience of students and scholars. This year the organizing committee has invited a diverse group of specialists to discuss their research focusing on conservation, documentation, and communication of cultural heritage in Subcaucasia.

The seminar will take place in a series of online lectures. Three of the seven lectures are in hybrid form in Venice. The program was born from a collaboration between the Departments of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage and Asian and North African Studies at Ca' Foscari University, the Centre for the Study and Documentation of Armenian Culture (CSDCA), and the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut.

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29 marzo 2022, ore 15:45

This event will take place online.

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