
Francesca Raimondi:
Materiality, affective formation, and aesthetic resistance: Beuys and feminist politics

Within the framework of the Research Group Ethico-Aesthetics of the Visual

Demonstration with shouting women, most of them blindfolded

Collective Las Tesis „A rapist in your path“.
Picture: Paulo Slachevsky, Performance "Un violador en tu camino",, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

With his notion of "social plastic" Beuys attempted to rethink democratic politics as a process of social creation. If in some respects he thereby seems to prefigure the politics of contemporary social movements and ideas of radical democracy, feminist theories and practices of democracy help to unpack the majoritarian biases of Beuys' notion and reveal a lack of radicality in its conception of politics. 

Francesca Raimondi is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf. She works at the intersection of political philosophy, social theory, and aesthetics and is the author of The Time of Democracy. Deciding and Acting after Carl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt and editor of, among others, the anthology Seriality and Repetition: Revisited

The lecture will take place online via Zoom. The registration is free, but mandatory. Please register at the following address:

18 ottobre 2021

This event will take place online. The registration is free, but mandatory.

To participate please register in advance via Zoom: 


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