
Leonardo in Britain: Collections and Reception

This conference explore the important role and impact of Leonardo's paintings and drawings in key British private and public collections. With a focus on the reception of Leonardo in Britain, this conference also looks at the broader British context of the reception of his art and science by addressing selected manuscripts and the first English editions of his 'Treatise on Painting', as well as historiographical approaches to Leonardo.    

Initially conceived as a collaborative project between the late Romano Nanni, former director of the Biblioteca Leonardiana, Vinci and Juliana Barone at Birkbeck College, University of London, the conference has developed into a wider collaboration between these two institutions and the National Gallery, the Warburg Institute, London, and the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut.

The conference has received support from the Paul Mellon Centre, the British Museum, and the Leonardo da Vinci Society, London.


This is a three-day conference, with each day held at the different partner institutions:

25 May, Birkbeck College, London: Free admission (book tickets)
26 May, National Gallery, London: £55/£48 senior citizens/£45 Members and Leonardo da Vinici Society members/£28 students
27 May, Warburg Institute, London: £15


In cooperazione con

25 maggio 2016, ore 16:45

Birkbeck College

Malet St.
London WC1E 7HX

26 maggio 2016, ore 10:00

National Gallery

Trafalgar Square
London WC2N 5DN

27 maggio 2016, ore 10:00

The Warburg Institute


Woburn Square


London WC1H 0AB


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