
Historical Photographic Techniques

Since 2013, the Photothek has been organizing practical seminars on the recognition of historical photographic techniques, practical application of various historical development and printing techniques as well as the restoration and storage of photographic paper prints (

The next seminar “Historical Photographic Techniques” will take place on 5th June 2023.

The seminar will be organized in collaboration with “Fotonomia” (

In the first part of the seminar, some theoretical basics on historical photographic techniques and materials will be explained, as well as useful websites (such as and relevant literature. Non-invasive exercises for the recognition and analysis of photographic techniques will then be carried out, taking into account the Photothek’s own holdings.

The second part is dedicated to the demonstration of wet collodion plate process and the implementation of a historical photographic procedure (salt paper or cyanotype).

The number of participants is limited. If you are interested in participating please contact Ute Dercks at

05. Juni 2023

The number of participants is limited. If you are interested in participating please contact Ute Dercks at






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