Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz
XLVIII (2004), Heft 1/2
Peter Anselm Riedl
Nachruf auf Herbert Keutner (pp. 1-8)
Karin Krause
Venedigs Sitz im Paradies. Zur Schöpfungskuppel in der Vorhalle von San Marco (pp. 9-54)
Brenda Preyer
Around and in the Gianfigliazzi Palace in Florence: developments on Lungarno Corsini in the 15th and 16th centuries (pp. 55-104)
Louis A. Waldman
The patronage of a favorite of Leo X: Cardinal Niccolò Pandolfini, Ridolfo Ghirlandaio and the unfinished tomb by Baccio da Montelupo (pp. 105-128)
Giovanna Virde
Un epigono del Marcillat: Urbano Urbani e il ciclo di vetrate tardo-cinquecentesche di Santa Maria Nuova a Cortona (pp. 129-164)
Lisa Goldenberg Stoppato
Per Domenico e Valore Casini, ritrattisti fiorentini (pp. 165-210)
Irene Hueck
Die evangelische Kirche in Florenz und ihr Gemeindehaus (pp. 211-244)
Erling S. Skaug
Towards a reconstruction of the Santa Maria degli Angeli altarpiece of 1388: Agnolo Gaddi and Lorenzo Monaco? (pp. 245-257)
Alana O'Brien
Andrea del Sarto and the Compagnia dello Scalzo (pp. 258-267)