Images of the Art Museum

Connecting Gaze and Discourse in the History of Museology

edited by Eva-Maria Troelenberg and Melania Savino

To contribute differentiated viewpoints to the currently evolving metadiscourse on the museum, this book seeks to investigate how the institution of the museum has been visualized and translated into different kinds of images and how these images have affected our perception of these institutions. The aim is to discuss a wide range of historical and present-day 'images' of art and archaeology museums in Western and non-Western societies.

Walter De Gruyter, Berlin 2017

Contact Zones - Studies in Global Art, 3
376 pp.
Print: ISBN 978-3-11-033887-4
eBook (PDF): ISBN 978-3-11-034136-2
eBook (ePub): ISBN 978-3-11-038434-5
Print + eBook: ISBN 978-3-11-034137-9


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