Dr. Katia Mazzucco

Ricercatrice, Archivio

Telefono: +39 055 24911-17

Katia Mazzucco studied Preservation of Cultural Heritage at the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and received her PhD degree in 2006 from the University of Siena. She has been postdoctoral Fellow at the IUAV University in Venice (2008-2009), short term fellow at the Photothek of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max Planck Institut and at the Warburg Institute in London (2010), British Academy Visiting Scholar at the SAS in London (2011), Visiting Scholar of the Istituto Veneto per i Beni Culturali in Venice at the KHI (2014). She has taught Venice Renaissance Art History at the Programs of Boston University Italy (2018-2023). In 2022 she was scientific coordinator of the exhibition Rooms with a view. Aby Warburg, Florence and the Laboratory of Images and is currently engaged with the catalogue and preservation project of the KHI Archive. Her research and publications are devoted to the epistemological impact of photography in early Art History methodologies, documentary photography in relation to art historical publishing, the Warburg Bildersammlung in Hamburg and in London.


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