Corinna T. Gallori, PhD

Studiosa associata

Corinna T. Gallori studied art history at Milan's Università degli Studi, where she received her laurea (2004) and Ph.D. (2008). She then collaborated on the project Globalisierung von Bildern und Dingen in der Frühen Neuzeit of the Directorate Gerhard Wolf, and was awarded fellowships at the Italian Academy at Columbia University, the Warburg Institute, and the KHI. She has taught at the Università del Molise, the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, and the Umbra Institute. Her publications and present research focus on indulgences and Italian images, inscriptions in art and those artistic lettering that blur the lines between script and image, and the transfer of images across different media and geographic areas.

  • Lombard Art of the Renaissance
  • The Art of Indulgences 
  • The Dominican Order and the Arts: Devotions, Cults, and Images
  • Word-Image Relations and Depictions of the Holy Name(s) 
  • Italy and the Spanish Empire in the Sixteenth Century 
  • Cross-Cultural Relations


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