Alessandra Failla

Research Collaborator, Digital Humanities

Alessandra Failla holds a Master’s degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge from the University of Bologna and a Bachelor's degree in European Art History from the University of Heidelberg. Her academic background merges art history with digital methods, focusing on the quantitative analysis and visualization of archival data. Alessandra’s previous role as a cataloguer at the Photothek of the Kunsthistorisches Institut inspired both her "Bürkelens" project, which analyzed Ludwig von Bürkel’s photo collection and its impact on the Photothek’s holdings, and her thesis, which developed a user-friendly framework for analyzing photographic archival data from the Institute. This framework, using Python and Jupyter Notebook, supports effective data analysis and visualization for researchers with varying technical skills. Alessandra will be joining the Digital Humanities Lab, where she will focus on developing and applying digital tools and methods in the field of Digital Humanities to explore and enhance the resources of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz. 

- Quantitative analysis of archival data.
- Data visualization and digital storytelling.
- User experience design for data presentation.


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