Bea Engelmann, B.Sc.

Assistente di ricerca laureata


Bea Johanna Engelmann studied architecture at the Technical University of Darmstadt and currently works as a research assistant for the Lise Meitner Group “Coded Objects” at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max Planck Institute. She is committed to promoting social sustainability in architecture teaching and is part of the student initiative gloss (Group Lab of Social Sustainability) at TU Darmstadt, with which she co-supervised the autonomous seminar “Who Cares? A Spatial Examination of Caring in the University Context“ (2023). She won the department prize for her master’s thesis, the design for a transformative building concept in two usage sections for the Department of Architecture on the Lichtwiese campus. (2023) and received scholarships from the Deutschlandstipendium and the Jakob-Whilhelm-Mengler Foundation. Previously, she was a student assistant at the chair of Architectural Theory and Science and the chair of Art History at TU Darmstadt, where she was part of the organizational team of the international conference “Are You a Model? On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration” (2022) and the research project “150 years of art history at the TU Darmstadt“ (2021).


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