Madeline Delbé, M.A.

Libera professionista

Madeline Delbé is a doctoral student in Early Modern Italian and Netherlandish Art History at the Universities of Bonn, Florence, and Paris-Sorbonne (Paris–IV), where she affiliated with the international doctoral school «European Founding Myths in Literature, Art, and Music». She holds a BA in Art History and English Studies (University of Trier), an MA in Art History (University of Bonn), and a binational MA in Renaissance Studies (Universities of Bonn and Florence). Her PhD project, entitled Practices of Entanglement. Mediating Art, Knowledge, and Trade between Florence and Flanders in the Early Modern Era (1550–1680), is supervised by Prof. Birgit Ulrike Münch and has been supported by grants and fellowships by the University of Bonn, the Franco-German University, the German Center for Art History – DFK Paris, and the Warburg Institute in London. 

She is a board member of Arbeitskreis Niederländische Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte – ANKK e.V. and co-founder of Doktorand:innen-Italien-Netzwerk – DIN, for which she has organised several conferences, workshops, and panels. 

Since 2015, she has been a project collaborator in the rare book section of the library of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institute. 

  • Artistic mobility
  • Social history of the artist
  • Artistic and cultural transfer between Italy and The Netherlands (16th–17th centuries)
  • Early modern artistic literature and guide literature
  • Aby Warburg


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