Matteo Chirumbolo, Ph.D.

Studioso associato

Matteo is Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, where he is a member of the AHRC-funded project 'Objects and Spaces of Encounter in Renaissance Italy’. His current research project examines how communities of non-local settlers shaped cultic and visual traditions in Renaissance Calabria, recentring the experience of marginalised groups in the history of art. He also works with the Fitzwilliam Museum to develop new narratives around objects in their collection, assisting with the rehang of the Italian Renaissance galleries. 

Matteo has completed his PhD titled ‘Family Lexicon: The Patronage of Girolamo Basso and Domenico della Rovere between Turin, Savona, Loreto, and Rome, 1477-1507’ at The Courtauld Institute of Art under the supervision of Prof. Scott Nethersole. He is currently working on a co-edited volume titled 'Art, History, and the Multiple Geographies of the Holy House of Loreto', and collaborates regularly with galleries across Italy and the UK. 

  • Early modern art and architecture
  • Cross-cultural encounters on Italian coastal areas
  • Minority groups as agents of cultural and artistic change
  • Patronage networks in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century patronage Europe
  • The Renaissance in the Duchy of Savoy, Piedmont, and Turin
  • Rome, antiquity and their visual reinterpretation
  • European sculpture, 1300-1900 


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