Matteo Chirumbolo, M.A.

Studioso associato

Matteo is a PhD student at The Courtauld Institute of Art, having earned his MA at the same institution in 2016 with the thesis Contracts, Contents and Contexts: Defendente Ferrari's Polyptich at Sant'Antonio di Ranverso, and a BA in Classics and Comparative Literature at King's College London in 2014. He has also worked as researcher and cataloguer for various London-based galleries, specialising in nineteenth-century European sculpture. Matteo's PhD on the patronage of Girolamo Basso and Domenico della Rovere considers artistic production in Turin, Savona, Loreto and Rome in order to interrogate issues such as the meaning and translation of style, artistic identity, self-fashioning and memorialisation in early modern Italy.

  • Early modern Italian art and architecture
  • Cardinals' patronage networks in the Quattrocento and early Cinquecento
  • Translation, (self-)fashioning, style
  • Savoy, Piedmont and Turin in the Renaissance
  • Rome, antiquity and their visual reinterpretation


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