Dr. Philippa Adrych

Borsista post-doc

Philippa Adrych studied Classics as an undergraduate at Magdalen College Oxford, before continuing to an MPhil and DPhil in Roman history, also at Oxford. Her doctoral thesis, supervised by Prof. Jaś Elsner, focused on Approaches to the Iconographies and Historiographies of the Roman worship of Mithras. During her doctorate, she also held a studentship on Empires of Faith, a five-year humanities research project jointly hosted by the British Museum and the University of Oxford, and funded by the Leverhulme Trust. As a member of Empires of Faith, she contributed to the exhibition Imagining the Divine: Art and the Rise of World Religions at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and co-organised an interdisciplinary doctoral student research group to support and develop some of the academic themes of the exhibition. From October-December 2018, she was the Judith Maitland Memorial Awardee at the British School at Rome, where she worked on close comparisons of three Mithraic sites in Italy. She is currently the recipient of a postdoctoral research grant from the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, until July 2020.

  • Roman worship of Mithras
  • Graeco-Roman mystery cults
  • Graeco-Roman religions
  • Greek and Roman art
  • Roman Imperial history

The Art of Cult: Identity and Iconography in the Roman Worship of Mithras


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