Presentazione del libro

Encounters in an Archive. Objects of Migration / Photo-Objects of Art History

Workshop with Massimo Ricciardo, Costanza Caraffa, Almut Goldhahn, Bram Beelaert, Greet Voorhoof and a group of cultural significators from the Red Star Line Museum, Antwerp

Encounters in an Archive. Objects of Migration / Photo-Objects of Art History

Book presentation with Massimo Ricciardo, Costanza Caraffa and Almut Goldhahn

The presentation in Antwerp is the fifht event in a series accompanying the publication of the book "Massimo Ricciardo. Encounters in an Archive. Objects of Migration / Photo-Objects of Art History", edited by Costanza Caraffa and Almut Goldhahn, Viaindustriae publishing, Foligno 2023.

Global migration is one of the most pressing matters facing contemporaneity, but also a leitmotif in the work of Massimo Ricciardo. In his most recent project, the artist creates a dialogue between photographic objects from the Photothek of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz and objects of migration: things that are functional to the journey, but also to identity and memory, such as passports and nautical charts, family photographs, diaries, a sample of earth from the homeland. This encounter of objects generates topical questions: Who do these "speaking" objects belong to? Are they part of our cultural heritage? What are the appropriate artistic and curatorial practices when one decides to collect, archive, exhibit, transform them?

The dialogues that began around Ricciardo's installation in Florence found their way into a book project and involve a polyphony of different voices.  The conversation continues now in the Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp. Here, we will discuss the project with our colleagues from the museum and from FARO (Flemish Institution for Cultural Heritage) together with a group of cultural significators working with the Red Star Line Museum. This event is the last in a series that has already included stops in Palermo, Florence, Düsseldorf and Cologne.

The event is sponsored by the Italian Ministero della Cultura within the framework of the Italian Council X - 2021 programme.



Info and registration:


Red Star Line Museum, Antwerp

Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut

25 maggio 2023, ore 19:30


Red Star Line Museum, Montevideostraat 3, Antwerp, Belgium

Info and registration:


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