Landscapes: Visual, Material, and Imagined
Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting
Session organized by Vera-Simone Schulz (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – MPI)

View of the city of Benin and its environs, Nigeria, engraving from the Description of Africa by Olfert Dapper, 1686
Organized and chaired by
Vera-Simone Schulz (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – MPI)
Janet Marion Purdy (The Art Institute of Chicago): Swahili Imaginaries and Maritime Expressions in the Landscapes of Kilwa Kisiwani
Kathy Curnow (Cleveland State University): Protection and Hostility in Nigeria's Benin Kingdom's Built Environment
Jacques Aymeric (University of Manitoba): Tata-Type Fortifications or the Nuclei of a Polynuclear Landscape in Senegambia
Jayshree Mungur-Medhi (University of Mauritius): The Cultural Landscape of Moulin à Poudre: An Eighteenth-Century Gun Powder Production Site in Mauritius
10 marzo 2023, ore 09:00
San Juan, Caribe Hilton - Salón Caribe - Gran Salón Los Rosales (Garage)
Participating in RSA San Juan 2023 requires RSA membership and conference registration.
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