Mobile Memories
Annual Conference of the International Research Project »Bilderfahrzeuge. Aby Warburg’s Legacy and the Future of Iconology«.
Organised by Dipanwita Donde, Anita Hosseini, Sanja Savkić Šebek, Gerhard Wolf and Ning Yao.
Mariana Castillo Deball, Uncomfortable Objects (detail), 2012, © the artist and dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, 2012, photo Rosa Maria Rahling
“Mobile Memories” seeks to investigate objects and carriers, matter and media of memories in a transcultural perspective. Memories travel between locations, cultures, generations, groups, and migrate with people and objects. The processes of transmission or displacement of memories also mean their transformation according to social, political, personal or other dynamics. At the same time, memories are often addressed as ‘tradition’, as relatively stable points of reference in the self-definitions or identity constructions of groups or societies (bound to particular places and sites). Collective memory, which includes memory practices or agents, such as archives, museums and rituals, may be confronted with memory as the individual faculty to process, store and retrieve information. Under these premises, the interplay of memory, motion, aesthetics and transcultural dynamics is an important field for the investigation of concepts such as ‘heritage’ and ‘provenance’ or of constellations of translocated artifacts and global memory spaces.
To attend, please register via our dedicated Eventbrite page:
NB: Registration via Eventbrite is only necessary for in-person attendance.
This conference will also be streamed as a Zoom Webinar. Please join via:
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Thursday, 10th November 2022
Memory: Warburg and Beyond
10:00-10:20 Welcome and Introduction
10:30-11:10 Katherine Hughes (Independent Scholar, London)
Flowering trees and a memory of light: Antique nachleben in Early Islamic Central Asia
11:15-11:55 Deeplakshmi Saikia (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)
Moving images and images on the move: The manuscript painting tradition of neo-Vaishnavism in Assam
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-13:40 Florian Göttke (University of Amsterdam)
Burning Images: Between Tradition and Politics
13:45-14:25 Steffen Haug (Forschungsverbund Bilderfahrzeuge, London)
The Mobilisation of Images: Warburg’s idea of the „Bildgedächtnis“
14:30- 15:00 Coffee Break
Carriers of Memory. Contemporary Appropriations and Revisions
15:10-15:50 Ambra d’Antone (Forschungsverbund Bilderfahrzeuge, London)
“The images are ours…Karagöz is ours”: Revivalism and Orientalism in Turkish Art Historiography, 1926-1942.
15:55-16:35 Fan Xiaochun (TONGJI University, Shanghai)
Forms, folds, lives: Redefining visual memories in the eye of the beholder
16:35-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-17:40 Philippa Sissis (University of Kassel)
Mobile Objects. Multidirectional Reading. Artist books in the Black Atlantic
17:45-18:25 Sasha Rossman (University of Bern) and Fanny Gonella (Fonds régional d’art contemporain de Lorraine, Metz)
Unsealed Pasts: Ersatz Genealogies and Michael Rakowitz’s Cylinder Seals
18:25-19:00 Break before the Keynote
19:00-20:30 Eva Kernbauer (University of Applied Arts, Vienna)
Migrating Images: Representation, Appropriation, Pleasure, Burden
NB: The Keynote lecture can also be booked separately here. Please note however, that a booking for the conference as a whole already includes a booking for the Keynote lecture.
Friday, 11th November 2022
Political Interventions: Rupture and Interaction
10:10 Paul Bernard-Nouraud (Aix-Marseille University)
Countering Cultural Memory. From the Migration of Images to the Images of Migrations
10:55 Fazil Moradi (University of Johannesburg)
Catastrophic Art
11:35 Coffee Break
12:00 Kylie Thomas (NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam)
Photography, Apartheid and Temporal Rupture
12:45 Nanne Buurman (documenta studies at the School of Art and Design Kassel)
Wir alle sind Gespenster: Haunting Infrastructures
13:25 Lunch break
(Re)mediation Processes. Between Material and Digital Culture
14:40 Ruth Ezra (University of Basel / University of St Andrews)
Mica on the Move
15:25 Max Koss (Leuphana University, Lüneburg)
From Analog to Digital: The Mnemonic Lives of Provenance
16:05 Coffee Break
16:35 Yuning Teng (University of Hamburg)
Silent Memory: Harrison Forman’s Wartime Photographs and Images of the Shanghai Lockdown
17:20 Moran Avital-Ben Atar, Omri Grinberg, Chaim Noy (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan)
Google, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of reviewing a Holocaust Museum – User Generated Content, Dark History Memorials/Museums, and the Intermediation of Place and History
18:00 Conclusion
The international research project “Bilderfahrzeuge. Aby Warburg’s Legacy and the Future of Iconology” seeks to provide a fundamental contribution to a cultural history – through a history of images and ideas practiced in an interdisciplinary and international setting. Initiated in 2013 and now in its second funding period since 2018 with 15 research associates, the project is situated at and cooperates with several research institutions across Europe: The Warburg Institute (London), the Warburg-Haus (Hamburg), The Kunsthistorisches Institut (Florence), The Humboldt-Universität (Berlin), the University of Basel and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) and realised in cooperation with the Max Weber Stiftung – Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland.
Poster image: Mariana Castillo Deball: Uncomfortable Objects (Detail). Plaster, pigments, stones, shells, masks, fabric, glass, wood, clay and diverse objects mounted on a steel frame, 600 x 400 x 300 cm, 2012, Courtesy of the Artist and dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, 2012, Photo: Rosa Maria Råhling
Poster design by Kolja Thurner.
10 – 11 novembre 2022
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Luisenstraße 56
To attend, please register via our dedicated Eventbrite page:
NB: Registration via Eventbrite is only necessary for in-person attendance.
This conference will also be streamed as a Zoom Webinar. Please join via:
For further information please visit our website:
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