Conferenza serale

Peter Krieger: Political Iconography of Mountain Landscapes in the Anthropocene

This lectures outlines the political iconography of the debates on the Anthropocene, focussing on geological aspects, such as mountain landscapes, volcanoes, rock and seascapes, etc. Based on the Hamburg Index of Political Iconography (founded by Martin Warnke and Horst Bredekamp at the Hamburg Warburg Haus), some visual topics of the political landscape will be analysed within their frameworks of cultural and natural history. This lectures profiles my current research on the aesthetics and political iconography of geological phenomena, and it also offers material for the conceptual debate about an ongoing project of globally expanding the Hamburg Index.

Prof. Dr. Peter Krieger, 1996 PhD University of Hamburg (Graduate Program Political Iconography), since 1998 Research-Professor at the Institute for Aesthetic Research at the Mexican National University (Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, UNAM); 2004-2012 Vice-President of the International Committee of Art History (CIHA/UNESCO); 2007-2014 academic collaborator at the project Transcultural and Transhistoric Efficiencies of the Baroque Paradigm, University of Western Ontario, London/ON; 2010-2014 member of the scientific board of the Ministry of urban development of Mexico City (Comisión de Publicidad Exterior, Seduvi / GDF); concept and organization of conferences, e.g. about the relationship between city-scapes and nature; September 2016 chair of the section "Landscape and Spectacle" of the 34th World Congress of Art History (CIHA) in Beijing, China. 2016 Aby Warburg Visiting Professor at the Warburg-Haus, Hamburg.

At present Visiting Fellow "Literary Cultures of the Global South" at Tübingen University / DAAD (April to June, 2017), and Visiting Professor at Regensburg University (July, 2017)-

Research and Publications include the image and history of Cities and landscape in the 20th and 21st century; aesthetics and ecology of Mega-Cities; Political Iconography of City-Scapes and Architecture; Art and Sciences.


19 giugno 2017, ore 18:00

Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz

Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai
Via dei Servi 51
50122 Firenze


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