Wenyi Qian, M.A.


Wenyi Qian is PhD candidate in early modern Italian art and material culture at University of Toronto, with a particular focus on materiality, artisanal labour and their transcultural and ecological entanglements within and beyond the Mediterranean. She has secondary interests in the politics of translation and media technology in art historiography within a global context. She held curatorial fellowship at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and worked as a convenor of academic programs at OCAT Institute, Beijing. Her research has been supported by Connaught International Scholarship, British School at Rome, and Bibliotheca Hertziana. As a multilingual translator, her published and forthcoming books include Wu Hung's Space in Art History (2018) and Victor Stoichita's L'Instauration du tableau: métapeinture à l'aube des temps modernes (forthcoming). She received her BA in History of Art with Material Studies (2014) and MA in History of Art (2015) from University College London.

  • Artisan, craft knowledge and technology in early modern Italy and the Mediterranean
  • Materiality, material agency, and early modern theories of matter
  • Ornament, movement and kinesthesia
  • Ecological approach to material culture studies
  • Global art historiography (linguistic, medial and technological practices)


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