Angela Nikolai, M.A.

4A_ Lab Predoctoral Fellow

Angela Nikolai is a PhD candidate at Freie Universität Berlin and predoctoral fellow at 4A Laboratory: Art Histories, Archaeologies, Anthropologies, Aesthetics. She studied Art History, Medieval History and Modern History in Munich, Paris and Berlin and received her M.A. with a thesis on the illustrations of a British astronomical treatise from the 18th century. Before joining the 4A_Lab, Angela was a research assistant at the Center of Advanced Studies BildEvidenz. History and Aesthetics (Freie Universität Berlin, 2016-2020) and at the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung (Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 2013-2018). She held internships at the print collections of the Musée du Louvre and the British Museum and contributed to the preparation of exhibitions in London, Tübingen, Berlin and Wetzlar, where she completed a curatorial traineeship (2011-2013). In 2017, she co-curated the exhibition "Form Follows Flower" at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin.

  • Interconnection of the arts and botany (18th to early 20th century)
  • Visual and media culture of drawing and object lessons
  • History of school and university collections
  • Ornament prints and template manuals
  • History of scientific illustration
  • History and theory of design


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