Prof. Dr. Anna-Maria Meister

Lise Meitner-Gruppenleiterin

Anna-Maria Meister is an architect and architecture historian. She is Lise Meitner Group Leader at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (KHI) - Max Planck Institute and professor for architecture theory at KIT Karlsruhe, where she also co-directs the saai archive. Her work, situated between histories of architecture and histories of technology, focuses on the entanglements of processes of design and the design of processes, specifically regarding their political, social, and aesthetic consequences. She holds a PhD from Princeton University, a Master's degree from Columbia University and a diploma from TUM, and was a fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin. She is currently working on a book manuscript titled Formatting Objects, Forming Values: The Paper Architectures of 20th Century Germany, and has co-edited a special issue for the Journal of the History of Knowledge on entangled temporalities that investigates time as embedded in matter (2023), as well as the collection Are You a Model?, a volume on the architectural model as epistemological process (2024). She is co-curator of the international research project “Radical Pedagogies” and co-editor of the eponymous book (MIT Press, 2022).

  • History of Modern Architecture
  • History of Bureaucracy
  • History of Science and Technology
  • History of Standardization, Automation, Rationalization
  • Structures of Power, Governance and Resistance
  • Making and Un-Making of Knowledge
  • Form as Epistemic Category
  • Material Histories and New Materialism
  • Pedagogies and Forms of Education in Architecture


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