Dr. Shraddha Bhatawadekar

4A_Lab Fellow

Shraddha Bhatawadekar is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the interdisciplinary Research and Fellowship Program 4A Laboratory: Art Histories, Archaeologies, Anthropologies, Aesthetics at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut. Her current research project Decolonising Museum Narratives: A Comparative Study is being developed in cooperation with the DFG Research Training Group 1913 "Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings" at the Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU), Cottbus-Senftenberg. With the DFG Research Training Group 1913 she also completed her Ph.D. dissertation, titled A Place of Hybrid Encounters: Heritage Biography of a Railway Station. Shraddha Bhatawadekar holds a master’s degree in Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology from the Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute, Pune, and has been working for more than a decade in the field of heritage conservation, management, and education. She is a recipient of Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship, USA (2015–16) and Alexander von Humboldt German Chancellor Fellowship, Germany (2016–17). She takes special interest in education and outreach and has published articles in various journals and newspapers on cultural heritage topics. She has facilitated various courses and trainings and also conducted heritage walks in Mumbai for diverse audiences.

Profile Photo: Sophia Hörmannsdorfer

  • Railway heritage
  • Museum and heritage education 
  • Industrial heritage
  • World heritage
  • Heritage conservation
  • Cultural Significance
  • People-centered Approach
  • Impact Assessment
  • Site Management Plans


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