Bat-ami Artzi, Ph.D.

CSoC, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; former 4A_Lab Fellow

Bat-ami Artzi is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the research and fellowship program 4A Lab: Art Histories, Archaeologies, Anthropologies, Aesthetics (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz and Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz). Ph.D. of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is an art historian, archaeologist and curator interested in the art and material culture of ancient and colonial Andean indigenous societies. Her doctoral thesis "Beyond the Image: Femininity and Other Gender Expressions in the Ancient Art of the South-Central Andes (800 B.C-1532 A.D)" successfully reconstructs many aspects of the ancient Andean gender structures' and their expressions in art, society, religion, and ideology. Artzi's research centers on the material representation of ideas and notions through forms, technologies, materials and iconographies. Her research also focuses on the way Andean societies conceived the European invasion and how colonial art interlaced the Andean tradition with the European one. Dr. Artzi's studies were funded by the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (2018, 2011), the Minerva Foundation (2015, 2011) and by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2010-2014, 2019). For one of her publications she has been awarded the Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines (2017).

  • Art History
  • Archaeology
  • Andean Visual Culture


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