The Mediterranean. A Liquid Space of Architectures, Images, and Things
organized by Hannah Baader and Gerhard Wolf
The workshop in Florence is thought to study the premodern Mediterranean as a world built of stones and brick, in a dialectics of hyperdensity and emptiness, as a man made environment interacting with the forces of nature. The workshop will focus on processes of urbanization, on the production, circulation and comsumption of things and knowledge, on the transfer of images and aesthetic languages as well as on narratives within and between Mediterranean cultures. It will consider religious topographies, sacred versus profane languages, and the discourses of catastrophe, beauty and duration, in order to discuss the Mediterranean as a dynamic space marked by mobility, connectivity and segregation.
Palazzo Grifoni - Seminarraum
Via dei Servi 51
50122 Firenze
Diese Veranstaltung wird durch Fotografien und/oder Videoaufnahmen dokumentiert. Falls es nicht Ihre Zustimmung findet, dass das Kunsthistorische Institut in Florenz Aufnahmen, auf denen Sie erkennbar abgebildet sein könnten, für die Veranstaltungsdokumentation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (z.B. Social Media) verwendet, bitten wir um eine entsprechende Rückmeldung.