Renaissance Society of America
Depicting Dante’s Commedia: Image, Text, and Exegesis
Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago (USA)
Panel organized by Rebecca Bowen (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut)
Alessandro Vellutello (attrib.), Purgatorio IV–VI, The Morgan Library and Museum, New York
9:00 AM
The "Nova Espositione" of Alessandro Vellutello: Drawings of the Commedia in the Renaissance
Federica Maria Giallombardo (eCampus University)
9:20 AM
Dynamics of Text–Image Interactions in a Fourteenth-Century Italian Manuscript: The Miniatures of Codex Italicus 1
Dr. Eszter Draskóczy (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Eötvös Loránd Research Network; HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities)
9:40 AM
The Commedia as a Source for "Civic" Sacred Iconography in Fourteenth-Century Italy
Mr. Raffaele Marrone (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
23. März 2024
23 March 2024, 9:00 AM
Palmer House Hilton - Montrose 4 - Seventh Floor
17 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60603, USA
Participating at the RSA Chicago 2024 requires RSA membership and conference registration.
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