The sketchbook as a site of artistic invention, workshop collaboration, and the production and transfer of knowledge
Session at the CAA Conference, Chicago (USA)
Panel organized by Daniel Tischler (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut) and Larissa Mohr (Universität Wien)
Sight-specific: Ruth Asawa’s Sketchbook Practice
Isabel Bird (Harvard University)
Fra Bartolommeo’s Landscape Drawings as a Form of Spiritual Devotion
Elizabeth Bernick (Savannah College of Art and Design)
Graphic Violence: Crime Scene Sketchbooks and Forensic Authority in Fin-de-Siècle Austria
Ty Vanover (Dickinson College)
17. Februar 2024
112th CAA Annual Conference in Chicago
Hilton Chicago - Lower Level - Salon C-7
4:30 pm CST
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