
Max Planck Partner Group
"Empires, Environments, Objects"

Organized by Department Gerhard Wolf

Anonymous Sevillian Painter, Portrait of Friar Diego Ortiz as Crowned Martyr (detail), ca. 1640, Convent of Saint Augustine, Lima, Peru. Photo : Bat-ami Artzi.

The event consists of two presentations that yielded from the first year of research activities by the Max Planck Partner Group "Empires, Environments, Objects" (2022–2027) at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in Lima, led by Fernando Loffredo (SUNY Stony Brook, New York).

Bernardo Bitti in the Viceroyalty of Peru and his Jesuit Collaborators: Pedro de Vargas, Giuseppe Avitabile and Gonzalo Ruiz Ambrosio (in Italian)

Andrea Tejada (PhD Candidate, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), will speak about her current dissertation project on the Italian Jesuit painter Bernardo Bitti, a first-rank artistic figure in the Viceroyalty of Peru at the end of the 16th century and the first decade of the 17th. The core of the paper will be Bitti’s career in South America, together with other less studied or almost unknown Jesuit artists, who worked independently or as Bitti's collaborators. In her dissertation, Andrea is taking into consideration the artistic production of Jesuit artists across the Andes between 1570 and 1650, shedding new light on their interactions and forms of collaborative work in the Viceroyalty of Peru.



Bernardo Bitti, Holy family of the pear (detail), ca. 1590, Saint Peter Church, Juli, Puno, Peru. Photo : Prelatura de Juli.

From Tortured to Martyr in Eternal Glory: Antonio de la Calancha's Moralized Chronicle and Friar Diego Ortiz's Portrait in the Convent of Saint Augustine in Lima (in English)

Dr. Cécile Michaud (Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) will speak about a painting linked to a fascinating period in the history of the Conquest of America and the Viceroyalty of Peru: the resistance of the last Incas in Vilcabamba, near Cuzco. The canvas was commissioned and created in a period of high religious and political activity for the Augustinan order. From this perspective, the paper will focus on the relationship between the Moralized Chronicle (1638) written by the Augustinian Prior Antonio de la Calancha and the portrait of Diego Ortiz, who was considered the first Martyr of Peru within the order as having been tortured and killed by the rebellious Incas.

Anonymous Sevillian Painter, Portrait of Friar Diego Ortiz as Crowned Martyr (detail), ca. 1640, Convent of Saint Augustine, Lima, Peru. Photo : Bat-ami Artzi.

19. Januar 2024, 11:00 Uhr

This will be a hybrid event.

Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai
Via dei Servi 51
50122 Firenze, Italia

Please register here for online attendance.


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