
The Medici Beyond Florence.
Art and Politics, 1530–1648

Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut in collaboration with Sapienza, Università di Roma
Organized by Novella Barbolani (Sapienza), Alessandro Nova, Marco Ruffini (Sapienza), and Lunarita Sterpetti

Solomon de Brosse (attr.), Etude pour le palais de Luxembourg, Paris, Musée du Louvre

The conference investigates the history and culture of the Medici family through art collecting and patronage practices, from the beginning of the ducal era (1530) to the end of the Thirty Year’s War (1648). The aim is to refocus the attention on the interaction between members and close associates of the family, as well as their opponents, within a broad geographical, political and cultural framework, and to reread Medicean history and historiography from the latter’s formation to the present day. Focusing on objects, collections, and artistic mobility, the conference will reflect on the relationship between art and power, the crafting of political values, and the circulation of their symbols.


in cooperation with

16. – 17. März 2022

This event will take place online.

To participate please register in advance via Zoom: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcocuCsqzIvHN0YRPhJcPqvjb4NKq-nm_vd

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Venue (for speakers and guests only)

Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai, Via dei Servi 51, 50122 Firenze, Italia


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