New Research on Local Renaissance

Two panels at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America

The two panels, organized by the research group Local Renaissances (ERC/HistAntArtSi project – University "Federico II" of Naples & Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut), will investigate the notion of antiquity and the development of antiquarian culture as detected in the artistic patronage of different European polities during the early modern period. The papers will analyse such crucial phenomena as the overlapping of local and general past, and the mediation of styles in art and architecture. Furthermore, they will address the questions on how urban and regional identities sought the notion of local antiquity vis-à-vis, and how antiquarian evidences were functional in providing conceptual frames for the construction of civic and individual identities.

Four of the six papers will present outcomes of the research conducted by the fellows of the research group: Andrea Mattiello (University of Birmingham), Ida Mauro (University of Barcelona), Carlos Plaza (University of Seville) and Federica Rossi (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut). Dario Donetti (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut) and Nazar Kozak (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) will focus on related topics, spanning from Tuscan Renaissance to the distribution of Baroque in the Carpathian area.

30. März 2017, 13:30 Uhr

The Palmer House Hilton

Seventh Floor, Clark 7
17 E Monroe St
Chicago, IL 60603


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