Internationale Tagung
Platz-Bild | Imaging the Public Square
within the framework of the "Piazza and Monumento" project
Alessandro Nova, Brigitte Sölch, Stephanie Hanke
Recent broadcasts of scenes playing out in Egypt, Turkey and Ukraine have reinforced our awareness of the significance of the public square as a venue of action and assembly. As a consequence of protest movements, but also independently of them, images circulated in various media have participated in the construction of a visual culture of the public square. Each of these images should be historicised and analysed according to its own logic. The conference, organized by the collaborators of the "Piazza e Monumento" project at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max Planck Institut, will take the image and imagination of the square as a point of departure for a discussion, ideally through comparative analysis, of selected themes.
22. – 24. Oktober 2015
Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai
Via dei Servi 51
50122 Firenze
Diese Veranstaltung wird durch Fotografien und/oder Videoaufnahmen dokumentiert. Falls es nicht Ihre Zustimmung findet, dass das Kunsthistorische Institut in Florenz Aufnahmen, auf denen Sie erkennbar abgebildet sein könnten, für die Veranstaltungsdokumentation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (z.B. Social Media) verwendet, bitten wir um eine entsprechende Rückmeldung.