IMAGE CAPITAL by Estelle Blaschke and Armin Linke: exhibition at Fondazione MAST

An exhibition by Estelle Blaschke & Armin Linke (KHI Artist in Residence)

In Image Capital, Estelle Blaschke and Armin Linke (KHI Artist in Residence) explore the history and present of photography as information technology. The project evolves over the course of 2022 and 2023, and takes three different shapes: a traveling exhibition; an online database; and a printed book. The exhibition includes items on loan from the collections of the KHI Photothek.

The IMAGE CAPITAL research project was made possible, in part, through the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, The Huntington Library, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, and Arts at CERN, as part of its Guest Artists programme.  



Fondazione MAST, Via Speranza 42, Bologna

22.09.2022 - 08.01.2023


Digital Open Access Publication

The database assembles images, films, quotes, exhibition views and articles by guest authors. The printed book is a thematic reader and will appear in autumn 2023. Image Capital ( is published by intercomverlag, an academic publishing collective in Zurich, specialising in hybrid formats between web and print, the humanities and art, university and the public.


22. September 2022 – 08. Januar 2023

Fondazione MAST, Via Speranza 42, Bologna


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