Dr. Carolin Behrmann
Associate Scholar
Carolin Behrmann has been a Max-Planck research group leader (W2) directing the Minerva-project "The Nomos of Images" at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (2014—2019) that investigated in multiple normative dimensions to understand how visuality and aesthetic experience actively take part in and shape social and juridical normativities, involving form, perception, action, and knowledge.
She has studied in Tübingen, Bologna and at Humboldt-University Berlin where she completed her PhD thesis "Tyrant and Martyr. Images and the History of Ideas of the Law around 1600" (DeGruyter 2015). She has worked and lectured as scientific collaborator at the Department for Art and Visual History at the Humboldt University of Berlin (2005-2011) and the University of Basel. Her research has been supported by fellowships at the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (2008-2009), the KHI in Florence (2011-2014) and most recently the Italian Acade-my for Advanced Studies, Columbia University, New York with a research project on the "Visual Common Sense" (17th-18th c.), as well as the Käte Hamburger Center fo Advanced Studies "Law as Culture", Bonn (2020). Carolin Behrmann's primary field of research is European art history of the Early Modern period (16th—18th century) in the context of the consolidation of statehood, law, and early globalization. Her interests include topics on political and legal iconology, social history and scientific visualities.
- Aesthetic strategies of social rise
- Early modern tomb sculpture and art patronage
- Network strategies and image theories oft he missionizing orders (16th and 17th century)
- Picture archives as scientific instruments (19th and 20th century)
- Analysis and critique of exhibitions: Artworks and political-historical re/constructions
- Materialism and Art History (1920-1960)
- Aesthetics, Materialities and Iconologies of the Law
Images of Shame. Infamy, Diffamation and the ethics of oeconomia
Two-part Workshop, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Firenze, 27.–28.03.2012 / 16.–17.12.2012
IMAGO, ACTIO, IUSTITIA. Images, Bodies and Actions of the Law
Conference (with Philipp Ruch), ICI, Berlin, 03.–04.12.2011