Lecture series
Alberti Revisited: Art – Ethics – Politics
Organized by Hana Gründler, Katharine Stahlbuhk, and Giulia Baldelli
Against the backdrop of the 550th anniversary of Leon Battista Alberti's death and the publication of the first German edition of and commentary on his dialogue Della tranquillità dell'animo in April 2022 the lecture series Alberti Revisited will focus on the artistic, ethico-aesthetic, linguistic and socio-political implications of his oeuvre. Thus, the intertextual and interdisciplinary complexity of Alberti's thought as well as his relationship with the cultural dynamics of his time will be examined from a variety of perspectives and, not least, Alberti's topicality will be critically analysed. The invited speakers come from the fields of art and architectural history, history, philology, and philosophy.
25 May 2022, 18:00
Eugenio Refini (New York University)
Two Hours per Day: Reading Aristotle's Ethics in Quattrocento Florence
21 June 2022, 18:30
Annalisa Ceron (University of Milan)
Philosophy as a Way of Life: Remarks on Leon Battista Alberti’s Theogenius
12 July 2022, 18:00
Caspar Pearson (The Warburg Institute, London)
Alberti in Florence: Painting and the Machinery of the State
19 July 2022, 18:00
Michel Paoli (University of Picardie Jules Verne)
Canis e Musca di Alberti: elogio dell’animale, autobiografia e humour
07 September 2022, 18:00
Berthold Hub (Berliner Hochschule für Technik)
Leon Battista Alberti und die Säulen-Ordnung des 15. Jahrhunderts
04 October 2022, 18:00
Oskar Bätschmann
Leon Battista Alberti: Painting and its Public
15 December 2022, 18:00
Timothy Kircher
Humanitas and Care. On the Dialogical Form
25 May – 15 November 2022
Please follow the links above to the individual lectures to learn how to participate.
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