Typographia Linguarum Externarum – The Medici Oriental Press. Knowledge and Cultural Transfer around 1600
organized by Eckhard Leuschner and Gerhard Wolf

This workshop is organised within the framework of the project Die Typographia Medicea im Kontext: Text und Bild als Medien des Kultur- und Wissenstransfers zwischen europäischen und orientalischen Kulturräumen um 1600. It presents the research of the project team and scientific guests, concerning both the printed works of the publishing house and the records of its activities. These are set in the contexts of the publisher's global networks and related processes of transfer in the broadest sense: the translation practices, which go hand in hand with the publication of multilingual editions, the medium specific exchanges (between manuscripts and printed books as well as between texts and images), and the physical transport of printed books to the 'Orient'.
in Kooperation mit
gefördert durch
11 – 12 January 2018
Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut
Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai
Via dei Servi 51
50122 Florenz
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