Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz
LX (2018), Heft 3
Aufsätze – Saggi
Dieter Blume
Amor – Bild und Poesie in Italien um 1300 (pp. 338–379)
Mary Vaccaro
Correggio, Francesco Maria Rondani, and the Nave Frieze in San Giovanni Evangelista (pp. 380–403)
Sheila Barker
The First Biography of Artemisia Gentileschi: Self-Fashioning and Proto-Feminist Art History in Cristofano Bronzini's Notes on Women Artists (pp. 404–435)
Avinoam Shalem
Objects in Captivity: Preliminary Remarks on the Exhibiting and Making of Images of the Art of War (pp. 436–465)
Miszellen – Appunti
Ingeborg Bähr
Bronzefirnis- und Brokatpapiere in der Bibliothek des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz (pp. 466–479)