Imperios, Entornos, Objetos:
Arte y Cultura Visual en Hispanoamérica desde la Región del Cusco Virreinal
Organized by the Max-Planck Partner Group "Empires, Environments, Objects"
Kuñotambo, Acomayo Province
The itinerant seminar in the Andean region of Cusco will take place from 19 to 23 of June 2024. MA and PhD students in Colonial Latin American Art and Hispanic Studies together with ten invited professors will convene in the Centro Académico Valentín Paniagua, Pisac, and will do fieldwork in the surrounding areas. Before the seminar, the members of the Partner Group will meet in Lima for academic activities at the PUCP. The event is co-sponsored by a Thoma Foundation Grant and supported by the FAHSS Grant of SUNY Stony Brook.
Fernando Loffredo, Principal Investigator, Max-Planck Partner Group “Empires, Environments, Objects”
Cécile Michaud, Coordinator at the PUCP
Andrea Giuliana Tejada Farfán, Research Assistant
Patricia Carolina Mendoza Mori, Administrative Assistant
Olga Acosta (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
Alejandro Julián Andrade (Benemérita Univesidad Autónoma de Puebla, México)
Carmen Fernández Salvador Ayala (Universidad de San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador)
José Luis Gonzales (Maestría PUCP, Perú)
Henrry Ibáñez Mogrovejo (Doctorado SUNY Stony Brook, Estados Unidos)
Sonia Lau (Maestría PUCP, Perú)
Christina Lee (Princeton University, Estados Unidos)
Fernando Loffredo (SUNY Stony Brook/Max-Planck Partner Group, Estados Unidos/Perú)
Renata Martins (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
Patricia Mendoza Mori (PUCP/Max-Planck Partner Group, Perú)
Cécile Michaud (PUCP/Max-Planck Partner Group, Perú)
Luciano Migliaccio (Universidade de São Paolo, Brasil)
Víctor Hugo Muñoz (Maestría PUCP, Perú)
Verónica Muñoz-Nájar (Fundación Thoma, Estados Unidos)
Juan David Parra (Doctorado SUNY Stony Brook, Estados Unidos)
Stefania Pastore (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italia)
Angela Quispe (Maestría PUCP, Perú)
Agustina Rodríguez Romero (CONICET/UNTREF/UBA, Argentina)
Daniela Ruiz Monatauban (Doctorado SUNY Stony Brook, Estados Unidos)
Quim Solias (Doctorado SUNY Stony Brook, Estados Unidos)
Andrea Tejada Farfán (PUCP/ Max-Planck Partner Group, Perú)
Manuel Ugarte Maggiolo (Maestría PUCP, Perú)
Roberto Valderrama (Maestría PUCP, Perú)
Gerhard Wolf (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, Italia)
19 – 23 June 2024
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