Prints and Patrons in Motion: Visual Translation and its Implications in Early Modern Times

10.00 Welcome
Radka Nokkala Miltová, Head of the Department of Art History at Masaryk University, Brno
Gerhard Wolf, Director of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz Max-Planck-Institut, Florence
Barbara Kristina Murovec, Introduction
Giovanna Targia (Zürich/Florence): Prints as Translations. Reflections on Theoretical Aspects of Intermediality in the Light of Early Modern Translation Theory
Gernot Mayer (Bonn): Imaginary Journeys to Italy by Architectural Replicas: Female Art Patronage and the Multiplication of Sacred Spaces
Moderated by: Samuel Vitali (Florence)
11.15 Coffee Break
Sylva Dobalová (Prague): Notes on the Origin of Kozel and Peterle´s Veduta of Prague (1562)
Stephanie Hanke (Florence): La Superba: Genua in Reiseberichten und Guiden um 1600
Martina Frank (Venice): Notes on Printmakers and Publishers in 17th–18th Century Venice
Moderated by: Michaela Šeferisová Loudová (Brno)
13.00 Lunch
Anke Schlecht (Nuremberg): Artistic Representation of Nuremberg Patricians around 1700. Prints and Trade Economy
Tomáš Valeš (Brno) & Radka Nokkala Miltová (Brno): The Role of Italy in Kaunitz Patronage: Focus on Cavalier Tours and Painting Collection in Austerlitz
Katarína Kolbiarz Chmelinová (Bratislava): Translation in Artworks around 1800 – Erasmus Schrött
Moderated by: Gernot Mayer (Bonn)
16.00 Coffee Break
Eckhard Leuschner (Würzburg): Domenico Cunego “Reproduces” Domenichino’s Ceiling Painting in Palazzo Costaguti (1777)
Chiara Zuanni (Graz) & Georg Vogeler (Graz): Working towards Digitisation: Implications of Different Data Creation Methods for the Digital Analysis and Visualisation of Cultural Transfer
Jan Simane (Florence): Linking Texts, Objects, and Images – Past and Future Projects at the Library of the KHI
Moderated by: Mandy Richter (Florence)
18.00 Round Table
Ondřej Jakubec (Brno), Giovanna Targia (Zürich/Florence), Samuel Vitali (Florence), Georg Vogeler (Graz), Gerhard Wolf (Florence)
Moderated by: Barbara Kristina Murovec (Florence) & Radka Nokkala Miltová (Brno)
19.00 Dinner
22 February 2023, 10:00am
Veveří 28, Hans Belting Library, Masaryk University, Brno
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