Online Event
An Art History of the Universal: A Conversation with Alessandra Russo

Francisco de Holanda, The Creation of Lights, from De aetatibus mundi imagines, 1547–1551, painted manuscript, fol. 6r, 41.5 × 28.5 cm. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid, DIB/14/26 (artwork in the public domain; photograph provided by Biblioteca Nacional de España)
A conversation with Alessandra Russo, Director of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor in the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures, Columbia University about her article "Lights on the Antipodes: Francisco de Holanda and an Art History of the Universal" (Art Bulletin, 102/4, 2020) as well as two of her further writings: "An Artistic Humanity: New Positions on Art and Freedom in the Context of Iberian Expansion, 1500–1600" (in: RES, 65/66, 2014/2015), and "Multilingual Dialogues between Artifacts and Words in Early Modern Times" (in: Art History before English: Negotiating a European Lingua Franca from Vasari to the Present, ed. by Robert Brennan, C. Oliver O’Donnell, Marco M. Mascolo, Alessandro Nova, Rome 2021).
03 June 2021, 3:00pm
Internal Event
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