4A Lab Seminar
Johannes Neurath: Images and Psychotropic Plants in Mesoamerica

Metamorphosis of Kauyumarie. Yarn-painting by Wixarika artist José Benítez Sánchez. Published in Juan Negrín, Le chaman-artsiste. L'art contemporain de indiens huichol du Mexique, 1985, p. 30
Johannes Neurath studied Ethnology, History of Art and Philosophy in Vienna and Ciudad de México. He is research professor at the Museo Nacional de Antropología and lecturer at UNAM, both in Ciudad de México. As an ethnographer, he has been conducting field-work among the Wixarika of Western Mexico since 1992. He has published several books and many articles on Ritual Studies, Anthropology of Art, and Amerindian Cosmopolitics.
13 October 2020
Online 4A_Lab Seminar
The event takes place online
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