Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz
XXXIX (1995), Heft 2/3
Hillie Smit
Tapestries for the church of San Petronio in Bologna ca. 1500 (pp. 185–208)
Tom Henry
Arezzo's Sistine Ceiling: Guillaume de Marcillat and the frescoes in the Cathedral at Arezzo (pp. 209–257)
Sabine Eiche
On the layout of the Cesi Palace and gardens in the Vatican Borgo (pp. 258–281)
Jonathan Nelson
Creative patronage: Luca Martini and the Renaissance portrait (pp. 282–305)
Guido Hinterkeuser
Die Villa Acciaioli in Montegufoni. Zum Einfluß des römischen Barocks auf die Architektur in der Toskana (pp. 306–373)
Monika Cämmerer
Giottos Polyptychon in der Baroncelli-Kapelle von Santa Croce: Nachträge und neue Beobachtungen (pp. 374–393)
Roberta J.M. Olson
An old mystery solved: the 1487 payment document to Botticelli for a tondo (pp. 393–396)
Richard Stapleford
Vasari and Botticelli (pp. 397–408)
Piera Giovanna Tordella
Un disegno di Ambrogio Figino per l'Erodiade da Cesare da Sesto (pp. 409–425)
Karla Langedijk
Ein unbekanntes Dokument zu Giambologna: Die Badende Venus in Wien (pp. 426–427)
Gioia Romagnoli
Ristrutturazioni e restauri nel Palazzo del Governatore a Siena (1654–1667) (pp. 428–440)