Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz
XVI (1972), Heft 2

Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz

XVI (1972), Heft 2

Leopold D. Ettlinger
Hercules Florentinus (pp. 119-142)

Volker Herzner
Donatellos Madonna vom Paduaner Hochaltar - eine "Schwarze Madonna"? (pp. 143-152)

Clifford M. Brown
Luca Fancelli in Mantua. A Checklist of His 185 Letters to the Gonzaga. With an Appendix on the Dating of Letters Regarding Luca Fancelli and Giovanni Bellini (pp. 153-166)

Enzo Bentivoglio
Bramante e il geroglifico di Viterbo (pp. 167-174)

Luisa Vertova
La Visita del Medico. Osservazioni su alcuni dipinti di Bonifazio de' Pitati (pp. 175-184)

David Summers
The Chronology of Vincenzo Danti's First Works in Florence (pp. 185-198)

W. Chandler Kirwin
The Oratory of the Sanctuary of Saint Catherine in Siena. Revised Dating for the Paintings (pp. 199-220)


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