Renaissance Society of America
The Power of Nature: Water, Rivergods, and Nymphs in Early Modern Art and Poetry I+II
Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago (USA)
Panel organized by Anne Bloemacher (Universität Münster), Claudia Echinger-Maurach (Universität Münster) and Mandy Richter (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut)
Anton Francesco Doni, Prose antiche di Dante, Petrarca, et Boccaccio..., Florence 1547.
The Power of Nature: Water, Rivergods, and Nymphs in Early Modern Art and Poetry I
Chair: Claudia Echinger-Maurach (Universität Münster)
2:30 PM
The Nile, the Tiber, and the Po: From Myth to Ecology
Marzia Faietti (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut; Università degli Studi di Bologna)
2:50 PM
The Rejected First: The Nymph Oinone (and Cebren) on Raphael's and Raimondi's Judgment of Paris
Gerd Blum (Kunstakademie Münster / Universität Wien)
3:10 PM
Arcadia in Motion: The Role of River Gods in Italian Renaissance Pastoral Drama
Michael Reza Cornelis Barg (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
3:30 PM
Giovanni Aurelio Augurello's Nymph Glaura (Chrysopoeia 2:259–97) between Alchemy and Humanistic Poetics
Matteo Soranzo (McGill University)
The Power of Nature: Water, Rivergods, and Nymphs in Early Modern Art and Poetry II
Chair: Marzia Faietti (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut; Università degli Studi di Bologna)
4:30 PM
On the Importance of River-Gods in Art from Pope Julius II to Clement VII
Claudia Echinger-Maurach (Universität Münster)
4:50 PM
Sea Creatures Conquering Church Interiors: The Case of San Matteo in Genoa
Mandy Richter (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max Planck Institut)
5:10 PM
Riding the Wave of Success: On the Fortune of Giambologna's Fountains in Europe
Francesca Padovani (J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles)
21 March 2024
21 March 2024, 2:30 PM
Palmer House Hilton – Cresthill Room – Third Floor
17 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60603, USA
Participating at the RSA Chicago 2024 requires RSA membership and conference registration.
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