
Works by Alexander Kluge with Katharina Grosse and by Armin Linke in occasion of the exhibition "Aby Warburg, il Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz e il laboratorio delle immagini"


Armin Linke, Archivio di Stato di Firenze, 21 ottobre 2022. © Armin Linke 2022

As part of the exhibition "Aby Warburg, il Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz e il laboratorio delle immagini" two videos by Alexander Kluge with Katharina Grosse, and works by Armin Linke are on display in the Library of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, offering artistic reflections on Aby Warburg, Florentine archives, the infractructures of knowledge and "doing" art history.


Alexander Kluge
Alexander Ernst Kluge (February 14, 1932 in Halberstadt) is a German filmmaker, television producer, writer, screenwriter, philosopher and lawyer. Kluge is considered one of the most versatile German intellectuals. He became known in the 1960s and 1970s as one of the most influential representatives of the New German Cinema. As an author, he is known for his short stories; he was part of the circle of Gruppe 47; he also wrote scientific and philosophical works. In 1987, he founded the production company dctp, with which he succeeded in creating a platform for independent programs on German private television.

Armin Linke
Armin Linke (b. 1966, Milan) is a photographer and filmmaker combining a range of contemporary image processing technologies to blur the border between fiction and reality. Linke indagates the formation – so called "Gestaltung" – of the natural, technological and urban environment in which we are living. Armin Linke's oeuvre – photographs and films – function as tools to become aware of the different design strategies.
Through working with his own archive, as well as with other media archives, Linke challenges the conventions of photographic practice, whereby the questions of how photography is installed and displayed become increasingly important. In a collective approach with other artists, as well as with curators, designers, architects, historians, philosophers and scientists, the narratives of his works expand on the level of multiple discourses. Linke has served as a research affiliate at the MIT Visual Arts Program, guest professor at the IUAV Arts and Design University in Venice, and professor for photography at the Karlsruhe University for Arts and Design. Currently Armin Linke is guest professor at ISIA, Urbino (IT) and artist in residence at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut.


Exhibition curated by Hannah Baader, Costanza Caraffa, Hana Gründler, Jan Simane, Gerhard Wolf
Coordination: Mandy Richter
With thanks to Julia Biel, Katia Mazzucco, Giovanna Targia and all who helped with the project.
Layout: Opera Laboratori   

12. Oktober – 10. Dezember 2023

Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
Via Giuseppe Giusti 44
50121 Firenze

Dienstag–Donnerstag, 14:30 bis 17:30 Uhr


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