Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz

LXII. Band (2020), Heft 1

Photography and the Art Market around 1900

edited by Costanza Caraffa and Julia Bärnighausen

Costanza Caraffa - Julia Bärnighausen
Introduction: Photography, Art, Market, and the Production of Value
(pp. 2–9)

Aufsätze – Saggi

Francesca Mambelli
"À reproduire". Production, Reproduction and the Art Market
in the Sangiorgi Materials of the Federico Zeri Foundation
(pp. 10–41)

Julia Bärnighausen
Bureaucratic Hybrids: Photographs from the Galleria Sangiorgi in Rome at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
(pp. 42–67)

Lynn Catterson
From Visual Inventory to Trophy Clippings: Bardini & Co. and
the Use of Photographs in the Late Nineteenth-Century Art Market
(pp. 68–91)

Casey Riley
Commerce and Connoisseurship: Isabella Stewart Gardner's
Catalogue MCM
(pp. 92–107)

Lukas Fuchsgruber
From Auction Catalogue to Museum Archive. The Role of Photographs in the Fight Against Forgeries in the Early Twentieth Century
(pp. 108–123)


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