Jerusalem as Narrative Space - Erzählraum Jerusalem

edited by Annette Hoffmann and Gerhard Wolf

Jerusalem, in her central role for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, became the setting for – or even the protagonist of – oral, written and pictorial narratives. These range from the Bible and Apocrypha, historical and hagiographical texts and legends to accounts of physical, imaginary or spiritual pilgrimage, and related images. Places in and around the city have been associated with narratives and vice versa. This collection of essays discusses the complex entanglements between Jerusalem, as a continuously redefined space, and her narratives, viewed from broad methodological and interdisciplinary perspectives. Studying the manifold ways in which narrative, space and place interact, is fundamental to the understanding of 'loca sancta traditions' and the processes of their location and translocation.

Contributors are Shulamit Laderman, Gustav Kühnel, Serge Ruzer, George Gagoshidze, Alexei Lidov, Bianca Kühnel, Ariane Westphälinger, Robert Ousterhout, Eva Frojmovic, Katrin Kogman-Appel, Claudia Olk, Ingrid Baumgärtner, Pnina Arad, Annette Hoffmann, Gunnar Mikosch, Barbara Baert, Yamit Rachman-Schrire, Robert Schick, Tim Urban, Mila Horký, Silvan Wagner, Rachel Milstein, Anastasia Keshman and Kai Nonnenmacher.

Brill, Leiden 2012

Visualising the Middle Ages, 6
608 pages
ISBN 978-90-04-22625-8


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