Everyday Luxuries: Art and Objects in Ottoman Constantinople, 1600-1800

Amanda Phillips

From patterned silks and porcelains to printed cottons and earthenwares, art and commodities flowed through Ottoman Constantinople, eddying around artisans, shop-keepers, residents, and visitors, many of whom exclaimed at the abundance of goods on offer in the city’s markets. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the art and material culture of the Ottoman Empire, taking as its premise the key role of every day activities as engines for art and craft production; it combines evidence gleaned from archival sources, Ottoman commentaries and histories, and travel writing with observations about objects in the collections of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.

Connecting Art Histories in the Museum, 2

Verlag Kettler, Dortmund 2016
Format 17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-86206-452-6



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