Anja Schneider, B.A.

Assistente di ricerca laureata

Anja Ilka Schneider studied art history and history in Cologne and York and is currently in the final stage of her M.A. She completed her B.A. in 2022 with a thesis on spacial negotiations of availability and the male gaze in seicento paintings of Susanna and the Elders. After a year at the University of York focusing heavily on sacral architecture, she started working as a research assistant in the DFG project Transara - Sakralraumtransformationen. After completing a project on heraldic representations of the self in sacral spaces to be published in spring of 2025, she now joins the Department Gerhard Wolf as a student assistant. She is currently preparing her M.A. thesis on mediations of the gaze in modern and contemporary female nude painting.

- The female nude in early modern art
- Epistemic visual practices and politics of space in the medieval church
- Mediations of the (male) gaze in the works of modern and contemporary Women Artists


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