Nathalie Haas, M.A.

Libero professionista

Nathalie Haas studied Art History with a minor in German philology and Economical studies at Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg and later at Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. With a thesis on memory and materiality in Christian Boltanski’s textile-based archival installations, she received her Master’s degree in 2024. For several years she worked as a graduate assistant at the Photothek of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich. Now, Nathalie Haas is working as freelance collaborator at the Photothek of Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut focusing on research about the photographic collection as well as the corresponding cataloguing entries in the local database. Meanwhile she is doing her doctoral studies which are supervised by Prof. Dr. Sophie Junge at LMU. Her dissertation research focusses on art as a mouthpiece in the Anthropocene discourse.

  • Modern and contemporary art as a commentary on social catastrophes, crises and grievances (e.g. labour and working conditions in the Detroit car industry as a modern form of slavery, art and the „Atomic Age“, art and the Holocaust (memory);
  • Art in relation to archives
  • Art engaging with (collective) memory
  • Materiality (especially textiles) and indexicality
  • Digital art, especially games interfering in the affairs of art (or vice versa?)
  • Art as an advocate of eco criticism


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